What Makes the Iron Sharpens Iron Conference Distinctive?
1. Equipping - the conference is primarily about equipping men for ministry and life
2. For Men Only - topics covered are by men and for men.
3. Men of All Ages - open to men ages13 to 83
4. Men of All Stages - eighteen different seminars for men in different seasons of life
5. One Day - the 8:30 to 4:55 schedule means One trip, One meal, No overnight stay
6. Local Church Focus - held at a local church and for all local churches in the region
7. Sponsor - WACMM is highly trusted, locally based that's easily available for follow-ups
8. National - Though local in location; it brings in top national presenters and ministries
9. Brotherhood - brings together hundreds of men for worship, learning and camaraderie
10.Resources - for manhood, marriage, fatherhood and church men's ministries
11. Honors Men - pays special tribute to outstanding men's ministries and individual men
12. Value - offers a high quality, low cost experience that is well worth investing your time
13. Worship Music - praise and worship led by the dynamic ministry of "The Guy Band"